Today we began administering the OELPA testing to our identified English learners. In the building where I’m currently working at, we have close to 200 multilingual learners to test. The testing window is two months and during this time, instruction have to pause in order to complete all assessments during the time frame. Even during a pandemic year, we are administering this assessments. I keep asking myself, “what exactly are we measuring?” because here are some facts:
Whether our multilingual students are attending in a hybrid or remote setting, the chances to practice and use language in meaningful interactions is different and most certainly, limited.
Language is social. Learning is social. Let’s just name it: being 6 feet apart from each other makes all this learning less social. We are all trying our best. Our students too. It’s just different.
Everyone is experiencing change and trauma. Everyone is trying to stay alive during a pandemic. Families are trying their best. So are the children. So where’s the grace?
In The song Seasons of Love by Jonathan Larson wrote,
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand moments so dear
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure? Measure a year?
In daylights,
In sunsets,
In midnights,
In cups of coffee,
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife
Tonight, I keep asking myself how do you measure this pandemic year? Do we need to measure it? What do we gain from it? What language are we going to use to discuss the data that results from these State Assessments? There are no answers. Only questions. Tomorrow is day #2 of OELPA testing but I’m heading out to bed thinking about this girl and how after testing, all she wanted to do was read this book because truly that’s what matter to her at the end. I’m right there with her.